Gum Care
Gums form the basal tissues which support the teeth. The Gums is a rough term , which include the Gingiva { Soft tissue } the bone { Hard tissue} and the periodontal membrane {fibers } , which connects the bone with the tooth. The gums form a common platform over which all the teeth are embedded and are attached to the bone. So any diseases /problem to the gums or to the jaw bone can affect , multiple teeth or sometimes all the teeth in the mouth.
What are the signs of Gum disease ?
Early stages. { Gingivitis }
- Bleeding gums { Esp during brushing.}
- Bad breath
- Metallic taste in the mouth every morning.
- Swollen gums
Advanced Stages { Periodontitis}
- Bleeding gums
- Bad breath
- Loosening of teeth.
- Mobile teeth
- Severely swollen gums
- Strong metallic taste
Complications of Gum Diseases.
- Loss of Function / Aesthetics
- Mobile teeth
- Early loss of teeth.
- Destruction of the gums and Jaw bone.
- Lost teeth , not able to b replaced with fixed prosthesis.
Initial Management.
- Medical management.
- Oral hygiene prophylaxis
- Deep scaling and Curettage
Advanced Management. { Surgical Management }
- Flap surgeries
- Root planning
- Splinting
- Removal of tooth / teeth
Dr.Sunitha Raja – Periodontist ( Gum specialist} takes utmost care in managing any level of gum problems. The pt medical status is completely evaluated along with necessary investigations ( Blood tests, Radiographs ) if needed. Medical management of gusm diseases are always prioritised. Only , If the response to the drugs are not satisfactory , interventional treatments are advised.