Aesthetic / Invisible Braces

Lingual Braces.

This is a type of Invisible / Aesthetic Braces, where the Braces are fixed to the back surfaces of the teeth, making people difficult to identify the person wearing braces.

These type of braces are more preferred by Executives, Models, business class , and Media facing personalities, which gives them more comfort facing people and getting treatment at the same time.

Benefits of Lingual Braces.

  • The main advantage is Cosmetic, as lingual braces aren’t visible from the front which makes them an excellent option for patients who wish to avoid the highly-visible traditional braces.
  • Lingual braces best opted for patients for whom, traditional braces are not suited ; like the patients who play contact sports or certain wind instruments, making lingual braces the safest and most convenient option.
  • Lingual braces never interfere with the lip movements and speech , and also the possibilities of getting Ulcers in the cheek and the lip are minimal.
Smile Gallery

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Lingual Braces - Cosmetic Braces worn behind the teeth, to avoid visibility.




Invisalign is a modern approach to rectify Malaligned teeth. It includes a series of patient specific , custom made Aligners, made of smooth , comfortable and virtually invisible plastic ,which the patient has to wear over their teeth.

Wearing these aligners will gradually and gently shift their teeth, to a place , based on exact movements as per the orthodontist’s plans. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten.

These aligners have to be worn and changed to the next one , once in 2 weeks, till the patient achieves his desired confident smile.

The best part of the invisalign is they are purely invisible , so that , most people will not even recognise that the patient is undergoing orthodontic treatment .

Benefits of Invisalign

  • They are invisible.
  • Made of transparent, smooth, comfortable plastic . so, no irritation to the Gums and cheeks.
  • No interference to speech.
  • Removable, therefore Easy maintainence.
  • No diet restrictions.
Make your Appointment
No. 19, Panjali Amman Temple Street,
Chennai, Tamilnadu,
India - 600 106.
Call Us (+91) 044 - 2363 8585,
Emergency No (+91) 98402 42608